Court decisions are cited in a variety of ways, including “cases”, “jurisprudence” or “advisory opinions”. The standard style of citation of decisions published in printed form consists of five elements: (1) the name of the dispute, which is usually the name of the parties, (2) the volume number of the rapporteur containing the case, (3) the short name of the procedural rapporteur, (4) the page number on which the expert opinion begins, and (5) the year in which the case was decided. parenthetically. With the advent of widespread electronic access to cases, additional citation information has been developed that allows researchers to locate the case online. Both styles should be used in Wisconsin quotation marks. Citing the case later in the document can only refer to one of the three references, but the same reference selection must be used consistently throughout the document. A quote about a Wisconsin case included in the two official journalists would be considered a parallel quote: Name v. Other Name, 112 Wis. 2d 1, 331 N.W.2d 840 (1990). It would be extremely unlikely that parallel citations would have the same volume and page numbers, and such an event would be a matter of chance, since the North Western Reporter covers several states. 990.08 Citation of Supreme Court Rules. If a decision of the Supreme Court is cited in the law, reference is made to the SCR number, for example “Words and expressions according to SCR 99.02”. The Wisconsin Supreme Court adopted a new format for citing the Supreme Court and issued the decisions of the Court of Appeals beginning January 1, 2000.
The new format includes: (1) the names of the parties, (2) the year of the decision, (3) the short name of the court that rendered the decision, and (4) a sequential number assigned by the court registry. Wisconsin Reports and the North Western Reporter remain official journalists whose content reflects the authoritative text of Wisconsin`s court decisions. Quotation in the public domain is an additional citation format, not a substitute. Thus, the first time a case with a public domain citation is mentioned in a document, the three citation formats must be used in the following order: the public domain citation, the Wisconsin reports citation, and the North Western Reporter citation. Since the year is noted at the beginning, it is not necessary to indicate it in parentheses at the end of the quotation. Cases are often printed in more than one journalist. The citations about the case in both publications are called “parallel citations.” Wisconsin has two reporters for cases decided by the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals: Callaghan`s Wisconsin Reports (abbreviated “Wis.”) and North Western Reporter (abbreviated “N.W.”). The two journalists are in their second series. The following illustrations cite hypothetical cases, one older and one newer, found in the printed volumes of Wisconsin Reports and the North Western Reporter. Note that names must be underlined or italicized. All opinions given with quotations from the public domain contain consecutively numbered paragraphs. Quotations on parts of a notice made on or after January 1, 2000 must refer to paragraph numbers and not to page numbers.
The two official print journalists, the Wisconsin Reports and the North Western Reporter, are required to include public domain paragraphs in notices published after January 1, 2000. Name v. Other name, 2001 WI 5, 240 Wis. 2d 82, 615 N.W.2d 629. Wisconsin State Bar, Wisconsin Guide to Citation (6th edition 2005). Printed copies of this resource can be found on the reserve, in the reference area and in the Wisconsin room by calling the phone number. KFW 2475.W57 2005. SCR 80.02 (2007-08). The rules of the Wisconsin Supreme Court are found in the Wisconsin Statutes, Vol. 5. Wisconsin regulations can be found in printed form near the reference office and in the Wisconsin room by calling the phone number.
KFW 2420.A22 or online at the Wisconsin State Legislature website. Example Supreme Court: Name v. Other Name, 2001 WI 5. This is the fifth opinion of the Wisconsin Supreme Court in 2001. Wisconsin Reports second series are cited: Name v. Other Name, 112 Wis. 1 (1900). 2001 WI 5, ¶20. 240 Wis. 2d 82, ¶20. 615 N.W.2d 629, ¶20.

Sed non elit aliquam, tempor nisl vitae, euismod quam. Nulla et lacus lectus. Nunc sed tincidunt arcu. Nam maximus luctus nunc, in ullamcorper turpis luctus ac. Morbi a leo ut metus mollis facilisis. Integer feugiat dictum dolor id egestas. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.